Student Application Student Application Student Name * Parent/Guardian's Name * Student's grade level in 2022-2023 * Current GPA * What is your ethnic background? * Native-American Black/African-American Chicano/Mexican Latino/Spanish Filipino Chinese East Indian-Pakistani Japanese Korean Pacific Islander Vietnamese White Other Besides English, do you speak another language? * Yes No If yes, then what? Father/Guardian's highest level of education Did Not Graduate High SchoolHigh School GraduateSome College or AA/AS DegreeBA/BS DegreeMA/MS Degree, Professional Degree and/or PhD Mother/Guardian's highest level of education Did Not Graduate High SchoolHigh School GraduateSome College or AA/AS DegreeBA/BS DegreeMA/MS Degree, Professional Degree and/or PhD Will you be the first in your family to attend college? * Yes No Will you be the first in your family to graduate from a four-year university? * Yes No What are your career goals? * Have you ever been enrolled in AVID before? * Yes No If yes, where? Are you willing to work hard to succeed in your classes? * Yes No Are you willing to take summer classes to get ahead or improve (if available)? * Yes No Do you take initiative and personal responsibility in your classes? * Yes No Are you willing to be a school leader and be involved in the AVID Program? * Yes No Are you willing to make a commitment to the AVID Program? * Yes No What activities are you involved in at school and in the community? * Do you have difficulty completing all your homework on a regular basis? Please explain. * How do you overcome academic challenges? * Explain why you believe you are a good candidate for AVID. * Student, please type in your name and date as a signature. * Parent/Guardian, please type in your name and date as a signature. * Δ